SD Cahaya Bangsa Utama is an internationally oriented school that is committed to encouraging every student to reach their full potential, both in learning and social development.
This English speaking school is using combination of the International Primary Curriculum (IPC) from UK and the National Curriculum.
Students participate in activities each day to ensure they become confident and proficient readers and writers. Two times a week they undertake a Language Arts lesson in which they will work on improving their language and vocabulary. Teachers also provide handwriting instruction, weekend readers, as well as library to help foster a love of English.
The children actively participate in a multi-sensory, interactive learning environment. The children engage in mathematical inquiries and investigations, as well as book-based learning and homework, consistent with our philosophy of teaching and learning.
Student undertake lessons in Bahasa Indonesia to ensure that they become proficient users of Indonesia's national language.
KinderStation Primary / SD Cahaya Bangsa Utama is a multi-faith school. We currently offer religious instruction for the following faiths: Islam, Christian, Catholic, and Buddhist. Religious instruction helps to give the children a better understanding of their faith, make good moral judgements as well as to build up their self esteem.
The children learn science as part of the IPC program to participate on the process of scientific investigation by observing, researching, exploring, predicting, testing, and recording. Students develop skills in the scientific investigation of physical phenomena and living things. Children are guided through “hands on: experiences so that they can learn about how the world works from their own explorations and discoveries”.
Students regularly use technology as part of the IPC program, as well as in other classes. The students will be exposed to a variety of software and programs as well as acquiring skills for doings tasks such as word processing, power point presentations, graphic manipulation, drawing, research, computer, and internet literacy as well as electronic communication.
Global and local history is covered as part of the IPC program to broaden the student's knowledge of other countries as well as strengthen their knowledge of their local heritage.
Geography is interwoven with the IPC themes and other subjects. Students will learn many things including about weather patterns, location of places both internationally and locally, and learn about maps and charts.
Physical education is essential to a balanced education. Physical education helps promote a healthy and active lifestyle. Students learn a number of skills associated with a wide range of sports as well as helping them to develop not only physically but also socially.
Music at Kinder Station Primary/SD Cahaya Bangsa Utama is very board and varied subject and is taught as part of the IPC program through a wide variety of form such as singing, movement, dance, and ensemble playing. Children are encouraged to be inquisitive and experimental with music, creating their own music score and songs. As part of their inter-curricular program, students also have a chance to study a particular music discipline in greater depth.
Students participate in a wide variety of activities that come under the umbrella of art through the IPC program. From ICT linked tasks such as making postcards, menus, to modeling using a variety of materials to art appreciation of a vast selection of art work. Children are encouraged to be creative and to let their imagination go wild!
Pkn (Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan/Citizenship Education), develops the value, morals, knowledge, and understanding, preparing them for life in Indonesia. PKn is a compulsory part of the Indonesian National Curriculum and is taught at all state, private, and national plus schools throughout the country.
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